1951 Buick Selectronic Radio Flyer 01

The Information Source

The content of this page reflects the 1951 Buick Selectronic Radio flyer.

1951 Buick Selectronic Radio
1951 Buick Selectronic Radio Slogan

How Does 1951 Buick Selectronic Radio Work?

Tap the tuning button on the floor – or the radio tuning bar – and your Selectronic Station Finder automatically finds the next station on the dial more accurately than can be done by manual tuning.

Want To Try Another Station?

Press either floor button or tuning bar, and the Station Finder begins riding across the dial and back again as you pause at one station after another-continues ranging over the dial until you let it stop at the station you want.

1951 Buick Selectronic Radio Foot Switch

Toe-Touch Tuning Is Safer – finds stations for you while you watch the road.

1951 Buick Selectronic Radio Tune Control

6-Way Selectivity – lets you tune in all available stations – or as few as you wish.

How Many Stations Can You Find?

1951 Buick Selectronic Radio Tuning brings in as many of the available stations as you want-or as few as you choose. You simply set the Selectivity Switch at “More” to find all available stations, turn it down to “Less” for only the most powerful stations- or choose any one of four in-between selection ranges.

Does Selectronic Tuning Work On Trips?

Yes, everywhere you travel, 1951 Buick Selectronic Radio Tuning is perfectly “at home.” There are no push buttons that have to be retuned every time you drive from one radio-receiving area into another. You just put Selectronic’s automatic tuning to work and let it locate the nearest stations wherever you go. You can even “stay with” the same network program by tuning ahead for the next station on the network.

How Does 1951 Buick Selectronic Radio Compare In Cost?

Your own experience and judgment will answer this question for you. Compare Selectronic’s big advantages of convenience, safety, and simple automatic action with the limitations of conventional car radios. Then compare prices – and let 1951 Buick Selectronic Radio’s greater value prove it outweighs the moderate added cost.

Further info about the 1951 Buick Selectronic Radio