There have been requests from the field for a tool to simplify the removal of torque converter covers. Difficulty in removal has been experienced due to baked on seals, tight fitting covers and frozen torque converter cover bearings.

Fig. 131 illustrates a tool that will aid in the removal of torque converter covers. In most instances the tool can be manufactured out of a dealers existing inventory.

1952 Buick Torque Converter Cover Remover

1952 Buick Torque Converter Cover Remover

The bolt, Group 9803, Part No. 1334600 (heater air duct body front and rear to frame), as shown in Fig. 131 is used on the 1949 Series 50 and 70 Buick and is obtainable from the Parts Department, although any similar bolt with approximate specifications is suitable.

The hammer is merely a piece of iron (any shape will work satisfactorily) drilled through the center to allow free movement over the bolt, giving the action of a sliding hammer.

To operate, place head of bolt in back of torque converter cover’s edge (see inset Figure 131) and rap the sliding metal hammer back against the stop nuts. Repeat this operation at various torque points around the torque converter cover .Do not hammer at only one point. Leave one torque converter cover bolt and nut loosely in place (preferably the top) to hold the cover from falling after it has been loosened.



We would like to call your attention to Dow Corning No. 7 Emulsion which consists of a silicone similar to Dow Corning No. 4 Compound, that is emulsified in water so that the end product consists of a liquid.

This preparation can be very effectively used as a rubber anti-squeak and a barrier to the atmosphere to reduce oxidation of rubber parts. The material is now in use at Fisher Body plants and they report that No. 7 Emulsion can be applied much easier and more economically than the paste type “DC-4” compound.

DC No. 7 Emulsion is available in the following bulk quantities:

1952 Buick DC No.7 Emulsion Prices

1952 Buick DC No.7 Emulsion Prices

Orders for No. 7 Emulsion can be placed through any of the following Dow Corning Sales offices:
Dow Corning Corporation
1343 Spring Street, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia

Dow Corning Corporation
1514 South Hope Street
Los Angeles 15, California

Dow Corning Corporation
600 Fifth A venue
New York 20, New York

Dow Corning Corporation-
2722 Taylor Street
Dallas 1, Texas

Dow Corning Corporation
P. 0. Box 592
Midland, Michigan